Found 4 topics tagged ‘Headlines’

Give Your Headline ‘Consequence’

Of all the ‘rules’ out there for writing page headlines, this is the most transformative. If your headline sits on a petition or advocacy page, use it to communicate the ‘pain or consequence’ that follows from...

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Of all the ‘rules’ out there for writing page headlines, this is the most transformative. If your headline sits on a petition...

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Can You Name Your Headline’s ‘Value Proposition’?

Okay, back up—what’s a ‘value proposition’? Think of your value proposition as the reason your reader should care about investing their time in your page. Importantly, think about this from your reader’s perspective (not...

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Okay, back up—what’s a ‘value proposition’? Think of your value proposition as the reason your reader should care about investing...

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Picture This When Writing Your Next Headline...

Whatever you do—don’t just imagine your headline on your page itself. Consider how your headline performs without the rest of your page to give it context. Does it make sense without an accompanying photo or intro text?...

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Whatever you do—don’t just imagine your headline on your page itself. Consider how your headline performs without the rest of your page to...

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6 Ways to Make Page Titles Click-Worthy (Not Click-Baity)

On the surface, it looks like the purpose of a title is to introduce the content of a webpage. But of course—you know that’s not it at all! Your title or headline’s strategic function is to...

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On the surface, it looks like the purpose of a title is to introduce the content of a webpage. But of course—you...

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