Found 24 topics tagged ‘Persuasive Writing’

Don’t Be a Hero (Make Your Supporter the Hero!)

I’m not saying don’t do heroic things. Keep that up! But when you’re telling your supporters a story of injustice, there’s only space for one hero—and it’s not you. Let me explain... Every story...

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I’m not saying don’t do heroic things. Keep that up! But when you’re telling your supporters a story of injustice, there’s only...

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How to Write Statistics for Impact

A well-placed stat will add weight to your writing—particularly when it’s referenced with a credible source. When working with numbers, all care must be taken to not misinterpret or over-simplify the data. There are therefore good reasons...

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A well-placed stat will add weight to your writing—particularly when it’s referenced with a credible source. When working with numbers, all care must...

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Top 10 Ways to Turbocharge Your Digital Comms

Let’s be honest, this stuff is hard. Never in human history has there been a communication medium more competitive than the Internet. Never has our collective attention span been more fleeting. As much as...

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Let’s be honest, this stuff is hard. Never in human history has there been a communication medium more competitive than the Internet...

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What’s a “Crisitunity”?

We have Homer Simpson to thank for the term that perfectly describes a communication model that turbocharges action requests with urgency. Because of this, it’s been adopted by all the most successful online action platforms...

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We have Homer Simpson to thank for the term that perfectly describes a communication model that turbocharges action requests with urgency. Because...

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How to Write CTAs Like a Boss

Whether you’re seeking donations or actions, the formula for writing an effective CTA is pretty simple. To persuade your supporter to drop everything and respond to ask, you need to convince them of two things:...

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Whether you’re seeking donations or actions, the formula for writing an effective CTA is pretty simple. To persuade your supporter to drop...

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Finding Common Ground: Meat Reduction Messaging

How do you encourage and celebrate meat-reduction efforts in ways that will be receptive to meat eaters but won’t alienate vegetarians or vegans? Let’s apply common ground messaging theory to answer this question. Triggers: Meat eaters can...

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How do you encourage and celebrate meat-reduction efforts in ways that will be receptive to meat eaters but won’t alienate vegetarians or vegans?...

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