Great communication is not just about what you say but how you say it. Who says it also matters. You won’t always be the best vehicle for your message. It helps to know when someone else...
5 minute readGreat communication is not just about what you say but how you say it. Who says it also matters. You won’t always...
Keep readingSometimes, the purpose of an email can be simply to inform. But often, we’re trying to get someone somewhere. An action page. A donation form. A video... When your email has a destination, be protective of...
2 minute readSometimes, the purpose of an email can be simply to inform. But often, we’re trying to get someone somewhere. An action page. A...
Read thisHow can you simultaneously meet the needs of both long-term and fledgling supporters in ways that don’t patronize or confuse anyone? Let’s apply common ground messaging theory to answer this question. Triggers: Long-term supporters value long-term...
2 minute readHow can you simultaneously meet the needs of both long-term and fledgling supporters in ways that don’t patronize or confuse anyone? Let’s apply...
Learn thisYou might know definitively that your call-to-action (CTA) is the single-most strategic thing your supporters can do today to help your cause. But don’t expect anyone to take your word for it. Make the effort to...
4 minute readYou might know definitively that your call-to-action (CTA) is the single-most strategic thing your supporters can do today to help your cause...
Read thisIt’s not hard to preach to the choir. Or to mount an argument so agreeable that it won’t offend or challenge anyone. The business of wide-scale change-making affords us neither of these luxuries. Since you’re reading...
3 minute readIt’s not hard to preach to the choir. Or to mount an argument so agreeable that it won’t offend or challenge anyone...
Find out moreWe have Homer Simpson to thank for the term that perfectly describes a communication model that turbocharges action requests with urgency. Because of this, it’s been adopted by all the most successful online action platforms...
2 minute readWe have Homer Simpson to thank for the term that perfectly describes a communication model that turbocharges action requests with urgency. Because...
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